Prioritary Axis 10


Increased participation in early education and compulsory education, especially for children at high risk of early leaving the system

  • 26 contracted projects
  • Non-refundable financial assistance: 194,294,024.35 lei

Increase the degree of participation in early education and compulsory education, especially for children at high risk of early leaving the system

  • 16 contracted projects
  • Non-refundable financial assistance: 234,959,339.09 lei

Increase the degree of participation in professional and technical education and lifelong learning

  • 11 contracted projects
  • Non-refundable financial assistance: 95,348,404.91 lei

Increasing the relevance of tertiary university education in relation to the labor market and competitive economic sectors

  • 9 contracted projects
  • Non-refundable financial assistance: 179,335,809.19 lei